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Join a Fun Gardening Group
PURPOSE To promote horticultural and plant understanding To encourage and build an individual’s confidence in the above To promote living in harmony with one’s environment To pool resources and knowledge of mutual interests ELIGIBILITY All active and retired Boeing employees and members of their families are eligible
to join the Garden Club. Government, customer, and vendor representatives stationed at The Boeing Company also are eligible. DUES Annual dues, based on the calendar year (January through December), are $10
per person. MEETINGS Members meet at 5:30 pm on the third Monday of each month at the Oxbow Activity
Center, Seattle. Meetings generally include a speaker or workshop, refreshments, door prize drawing, and business meeting.
Some meetings are held at members’ homes. https://members.tripod.com/boeinggarden ACTIVITIES Included are field trips to greenhouses, nurseries, botanical gardens; plant
exchanges, a Holiday Potluck Party in December, plant sale, slide shows, and hands-on workshops. Activities are arranged by,
and many presented by, member volunteers. LIBRARY Located at the Oxbow Activity Center, the Garden Club library includes a wide
selection of gardening books, periodicals, information sheets, and newsletters from local botanical gardens. Items can be
checked out at the monthly meetings. MEMBER INTERESTS What are your interests and expertise? Would you be willing to present a workshop?
What kinds of programs or field trips would interest you? Examples: houseplants – organic gardening – hydroponic
gardening – fruit trees – lawn and shrubs – ornamental gardening – landscaping – bonsai –
foods (growing, canning, freezing, dehydrating, recipes) CONTACT 2016 -- MEMBERSHIP/DUES FORM –Mail Membership Form with dues to Caroline Zebrowski P.O.
Box 3707, Seattle, WA 98124 Mail Stop 02-WA Membership Dues $10 per person (January
through December 2016) Member Name: Member Name: Relationship: Home Address: Street City
ZIP Home: Phone
Email Work: MC Phone
Email Interests, suggestions, activities or presentation ideas: |