smoked sausage and pea fried rice
It’s no secret I like to whip up a quick fried rice for simple, yet immensely satisfying meal on a cold day. I am thrilled
that one of my favorites, Teriyaki Chicken Fried Rice was recently featured on the Web.
Smoked Sausage and Pea Fried Rice
3 cups cooked rice, cooled (preferable left overnight in the fridge)
2 smoked sausages, sliced
1 red onion, chopped
1/2 cup frozen peas or petits pois
1 large egg, beaten
pinch garlic powder/granules
pinch white pepper
1-2 tbsp tomato sauce (ketchup)
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Heat the oil in a wok or deep frying pan over high heat and fry the red onions for a couple of minutes, until fragrant and
translucent. Throw in the smoked sausage slices and fry another minute before adding the frozen peas to the pan. Give everything
a quick stir and season with the pepper and garlic powder.
Add the cold rice to the pan and stir to combine with the sausage mixture, if the rice has clumped together use a wooden spoon
to break it up. Once the rice has heated through pour the soy sauce down the side of the pan and stir into the rice.
Push the rice to one side of the wok and add the beaten egg to the bare side of the pan. Leave for a minute to set, then stir
to scramble and mix into the rice. Add the tomato sauce, stir and taste to check seasoning. Serve immediately.